Available objects
List of available objects that can be used in the Globus Desktop SCRIPT.DESIGNER: As long as you’re using “Globus Desktop” windows executable, you can access to following resources.
1. In Excel open the VB Editor (Alt + F11)
2. In “Tools”, open “References”
3. Select the “Globus Desktop” Reference
4. In View, open the “Object Browser”
5. In the Library drop list, select “Desktop” => You get the list of all objects & classes, with a short description of the syntax
A quick graphic explanation:
InvokeRoutine Function
Execute a Globus Routine.
InvokeRoutine (RoutineName As String, ParamArray Parameters() As Variant) As String
Optional, depends on the arguments needed by the Globus Routine. All routine's parameters (arguments) must be separated with a coma. Note that a maximum of 4 arguments can be used.
The following example uses the InvokeRoutine function to call the routine SS.DX.DATE.CALC, transmitting 4 arguments:
Dim sRegion
Dim sMat Dim sCode Dim sResultat Dim sRtn Dim sParam Dim sRet Dim sYYYY Dim sMM Dim sDD Dim sCalc Dim Slash Slash = "/" sRegion = desktop.InputBox("Please enter Region: (ex. : US02)") sMat = desktop.InputBox("Please enter Maturity: (ex. : 200912)") sCode = desktop.InputBox("Please enter Maturity Code: (ex. : LBD,-3FR)") sRtn = "SS.DX.DATE.CALC"
sResult = “”
sRet = Desktop.InvokeRoutine(sRtn, sResult, sRegion, sMat, sCode) sRet = Left(sRet,8) sYYYY = Left(sRet,4) sMM = Mid(sRet,5,2) sDD = Right(sRet,2) sCalc = sDD & Slash & sMM & Slash & sYYYY MsgBox sCalc,VbInformation,"Computed Date"
Note that the Globus Routine looks like: