Note: this applies to releases before R6
The mapping process is launched in phantom mode using DE.PHANTOM DE.O.MAP.MESSAGES
If you have placed a debug in a Delivery program, just launch DE.O.MAP.MESSAGES on line.
The formatting process is launched in phantom mode using DE.PHANTOM DE.O.SELECT.NEXT.MESSAGE
If you have placed a debug in a Delivery program, just launch DE.O.SELECT.NEXT.MESSAGE on line.
a. the call to EB.HANDOFF is only done inside each application program. This means if you alter the Handoff by adding local fields, you’ll need to input a new transaction in the related application to see the effect. In other terms, simply re-starting the DE.MAPPING phantom won’t be enough to see the changes.
b. When needing updating an handoff record, two tables must be updated simultaneously: